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MAMP Web Server Baru, Sensasi Baru

webserver local apa saja yang anda tau ?
XAMPP,WAMP,APACHE,EASYPHP ?, sekarang datang lagi, yaitu mamp, sebenarnya webserver ini sudah lama, namun mamp ditujukan hanya untuk MacOs, sekarang mamp group meluncurkan single perdananya untuk sistem operasi windows.
tampilan yang sederhana dan mudah digunakan, dan ini penjelasan dari developernya
What is MAMP for Windows?
The abbreviation "MAMP" in MAMP for Windows stands for: My Apache, MySQL and PHP. With just a few mouse clicks, you can install Apache, PHP and MySQL on your PC! MAMP for Windows installs a local server environment in a matter of seconds on your PC, be it a Notebook or Desktop PC. MAMP for Windows comes free of charge and is installed very easily: You can install Apache, PHP and MySQL without starting a script or having to change any configuration files!

Similar to a Linux-Distribution, MAMP for Windows is a combination of free software and thus it is offered free of charge. MAMP for Windows is released under the GNU General Public License and may thereby be distributed freely within the boundaries of this license. Please note: some of the included software is released using a different license. In these cases, the corresponding license applies.
The Beta Version of MAMP for Windows will only support English. The final version will come additionally with German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish and French language support.
 Anda Programmer Web ? Anda Harus Coba Webserver Ini

Salam Joskoder
Raka Adi Nugroho


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