selamat pagi, pagi ini saya tidak mambagikan projek aplikasi web, namun akan berbagi pengalaman kemarin saya melihat code editor baru (baru saya tahu :D).
tapi sepertinya masih baru karena di webnya pun masih preview. sangat ringan dan powerfull apalagi untuk para codinger AngularJS.ada GIT,ASP.NET,NodeJS. semuanya langsung start !
yah! Microsoft kembali luncurkan code editor GRATIS !! powerful yang membantu pada developer. code editor dengan nama "Visual Studio Code"
Fitur, seperti yang dilansir langsung dari situsnya.
Visual Studio Code integrates with existing tool chains. We think the following tools will enhance your development experiences.
ASP.NET 5 - a lean and composable framework for building web and cloud applications, fully open source and available on GitHub
NodeJS (incudes NPM) - a platform for easily building fast, scalable network applications
git - VSCode has built in support for source code control using git
Yeoman - an application scaffolding tool, you can think of this as File | New Project for VSCode
generator-aspnet - a yeoman generator for scaffolding ASP.NET 5 applications, run npm install -g generator-aspnet to install
hottowel - a yeoman generator for quickly creating AngularJS applications, run npm install -g generator-hottowel to install
Express - an application framework for Node applications, uses the Jade template engine
gulp - a streaming task runner system, integrates with VSCode tasks
mocha - a JavaScript test framework that runs on Node
bower - a client side package manager
TypeScript - brings structure and strong typing to your JavaScript code, without compromising the good parts
TypeScript definition manager - search and download 100's of TypeScript definition files for popular JavaScript frameworks, providing great IntelliSense in VSCode
[available for : Windows,MacOS,Linux]
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